Case Studies

Task: Run a Google and Facebook Ads Holiday Campaign for C3RV Sales and Rentals client.

After conducting extensive research on local competitors, keywords, our target audience, and objectives, it was time to begin our work!

Our client wanted to focus on Awareness as the campaign objective with a limited budget, and short time duration. I then A/B tested creative for the Facebook Ads, utilized Semrush for keyword research and competitor analysis, locally targeted the audience we wanted to reach, and drafted Ad copy that was ready for our client's review. 

The Results: The ads ran for one month on Google Ads and Facebook Ads. The campaign garnered 36k impressions with a CPM of $3.95. The CPC was $0.64. Compared to the average for combined Travel and Tourism Facebook and Google Ads, both metrics were above average.

The Takeawy: We were able to determine the type of ad creative that our target audience was most attracted to, the platforms through which they received the ads, whether they used desktop or mobile more often, and the successful keywords for future strategy. Overall, the campaign was successful for a smaller company that aimed to increase its brand awareness.

Task: Strategize Content For Brand Awareness On Life Elements' Social Channels

After the initial kick-off, my team and I guided our client through an onboarding Social questionnaire. We learned about their brand voice, tone, competitors, keywords, target audience, and objectives. Then, we began our work.

Our client wanted to focus on Brand Awareness as their Social Media objective. KPIS used to analyze that were Follower Growth Rate, Reach, Impressions, Engagement, and Share of Voice.

The Results: In only four months of working with them, I was able to improve their Instagram follower growth rate by 125%. I worked closely with the client to achieve this by kick-starting an ambassador program, which resulted in 250 new followers. To accomplish this, I conducted influencer outreach, created outreach copy, and developed an organized spreadsheet. I also created a set of social deliverables that were needed in exchange for products of their choice.

Their social presence on TikTok grew by 190%.

Facebook was challenging, but their audience could benefit the most from our products. After re-analyzing the data, I found that client PR updates, wellness tips, and articles resonated the most with them. I focused on amplifying these content pieces to make them more engaging for the Facebook community.

The Takeaway: My team and I collaborated with our client to leverage organic social media to achieve their primary objective of increasing brand awareness. Our data across various platforms including TikTok, Facebook, and Instagram revealed a positive trend in engagement, reach, impressions, and follower growth.

Task: Build A Personal TikTok Presence From Ground-UP

The Strategy: First I had to understand the platform's audience. In 2019, TikTok skewed even younger, so creating engaging and direct content was a must! I did a lot of social listening, and observed the niche fan bases that many TikTok creators had. I decided to combine my niche acting experience with my love for Social Media, and created content around story times, rating episodes from tv shows/movies I did, entertainment industry q&a's, etc.

The Results: I started with just 2 followers on TikTok. By the end of the first year, I saw a significant increase of 999900% to reach 20k followers. In the second year, my audience continued to grow steadily, first by 90% to 38k followers, then by 71% to 65k followers in the third year. In the fourth year, I made the decision to work full-time and focus on improving my client's social media pages. I also collaborated as an Influencer Marketer with brands such as Logitech, Foria, Wholehearted Apparel, and more!

The Takeaway: By experimenting with content and using social data analysis and listening, I built a community of tens of thousands of people. I created engaging content that fostered strong relationships and a vibrant community.